High-Quality, Compassionate, & Individualized Care

10 Engaging At-Home Activities for Kids with Autism

At-Home Activities for Kids with Autism
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At-home activities provide children with autism a wonderful opportunity to learn, have fun, and develop essential skills in a familiar and comfortable environment. At Solstice Behavioral Health & Consulting, we understand the importance of tailoring activities to meet the unique needs and preferences of each child. Here are 10 engaging at-home activities designed to promote learning and enjoyment & reinforce their ABA Therapy sessions while fostering a sense of connection and growth.

1. Check Out Books From The Local Library.

Explore the latest additions at your local library. While a trip to the library can be an enjoyable adventure, many public libraries now provide convenient pick-up services. With your library card, you can reserve books online and collect them at the library’s entrance. Give your children the chance to select a few books that pique their interest. During reading sessions, take breaks to relate the story to their own experiences or other familiar tales. Encourage discussions about the characters’ emotions and expressions, helping them grasp emotions and social interactions while enhancing their reading comprehension skills.

2. Visual Arts and Crafts

Creative expression through art and craft activities can be both therapeutic and enjoyable. Encourage your child to explore various art mediums such as painting, drawing, or sculpting. Art can be an excellent outlet for self-expression and can help children improve fine motor skills, communication, and concentration.

3. Puzzles and Brain Games

Puzzles and brain games are fantastic for cognitive development. Choose puzzles that match your child’s skill level and interests. Solving puzzles promotes problem-solving skills, spatial awareness, and patience. You can also engage in memory games, matching activities, or simple board games that encourage social interaction and turn-taking.

4. Storytelling and Book Time

Reading and storytelling are wonderful activities for language development and creativity. Spend time together reading books that cater to your child’s interests. Encourage them to retell the story in their own words, ask questions, and discuss the characters and plot. You can also create your own stories together, either in written or visual form.

5. Cooking and Baking

Cooking and baking activities are not only educational but also a delicious way to bond with your child. Involve them in measuring ingredients, mixing, and decorating cookies or cupcakes. Cooking promotes fine motor skills, following instructions, and sensory exploration through taste and smell.

6. Music and Dance

Music and dance activities can be incredibly engaging and therapeutic. Create a playlist of your child’s favorite songs and have a dance party. Singing along and moving to the music encourages self-expression and gross motor development. You can also introduce musical instruments, such as a keyboard or xylophone, to explore rhythm and sound.

Extra Tip: Play freeze dance.

Freeze dance is an enjoyable activity suitable for any time of day. Start by playing your children’s favorite songs and encourage them to dance along until the music suddenly stops. This easy game not only provides some physical activity but also helps enhance listening skills and the ability to follow directions. Chances are your child already plays this game at school or in therapy and will surprise you with their moves and skills. We strongly encourage parents to join in the fun with their own playful dance moves! 

7. Nature Exploration

Nature offers a rich sensory experience. Take your child on nature walks or explore your backyard or a nearby park. Encourage them to touch leaves, listen to birds, or observe insects. Nature activities promote sensory awareness, observation skills, and a sense of wonder.

8. Social Play

Building social skills is crucial for children with autism. Engage in activities that encourage social play, such as playing with action figures, dolls, or building with blocks together. These activities provide opportunities to practice turn-taking, sharing, and cooperative play.

9. Yoga and Mindfulness

Yoga and mindfulness activities can help children with autism learn self-regulation and relaxation techniques. Follow kid-friendly yoga routines or engage in deep breathing exercises. These practices can be especially beneficial for managing anxiety and sensory sensitivities.

10. Movie Nights

Choose movies that align with your child’s interests and sensitivities. Set up a cozy space with blankets and pillows, and dim the lights to create a comfortable atmosphere. Your child will be excited to create a space of their own and even help out preparing snacks and drinks. Family movie nights can provide a relaxing and enjoyable family bonding experience.

At Solstice Behavioral Health & Consulting, we believe that at-home activities are an integral part of a child’s growth and development, especially for children with autism. These activities can be adapted to meet individual needs and preferences while providing opportunities for learning, creativity, and connection. By incorporating these 10 engaging at-home activities into your child’s routine, you can foster their development, promote sensory exploration, and create meaningful moments of joy and growth together. For more information about ABA Therapy and Solstice BHC, visit our Shelton, CT location or call (203) 900-4720 to talk to our team. We would love to share more about our play-based and family-oriented practice.

We Believe That Early Diagnosis & Intervention Is Key.