High-Quality, Compassionate, & Individualized Care

School Consultation

Children walking into a school
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Solstice Behavioral Health knows the importance of creating environments that are accessible and supportive of our children’s needs. We work to achieve this goal by providing support systems and educational opportunities for educators, parents, and school staff. Our School Consultation program provides various assessments, reviews, evaluations, and observations to help these facilities improve their support for neurodivergent children.

How Our School Consultation Helps Schools and Students

Our team consults with multi-disciplinary teams in private and public schools to address barriers impacting a child’s education. Our team values the importance of taking a multi-disciplinary approach to understanding and working through the challenges a child, family, and their team may be facing within the educational setting. Consultations can range from student assessment to treatment, IEP development to program development, needs assessment to professional development, and behavior intervention plans to ensure treatment fidelity, just to name a few focus areas of consultation. Our greatest impact is made by taking a collaborative approach when providing coaching to school teams and families.

How We Help Schools and Students

Our multi-disciplinary approach ensures that we address the various barriers impacting a child’s education from all angles. We provide:

Functional Behavior Assessments

A Functional Behavior Assessment identifies the reasons behind a student's behaviors to create effective support strategies.

Ecological Assessments

An Ecological Assessment examines how a student interacts with their surroundings to improve learning conditions.

Social Skills Assessments

A Social Skills Assessment gauges a student's interpersonal abilities to guide targeted social development interventions.

Student Observations

Student Observations involve monitoring a student in various settings to inform personalized educational strategies.

Transition Evaluations

Transition Evaluations assess a student's readiness for changes in educational or life stages to plan supportive strategies.

Life Skills Assessment

A Life Skills Assessment evaluates essential daily living abilities in students to tailor skill-building programs.

Basic Language & Learning Skills

A Basic Language & Learning Skills assessment evaluates fundamental language and cognitive abilities in students to guide educational interventions.


Program Reviews assess the effectiveness of educational programs for students to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

We Help With:

  • Challenging behavior
  • School refusal
  • Classroom implementation of effective behavioral management and increased academic engagement
  • Skill acquisition to aid students in meeting their IEP goals
  • Creating an effective learning environment
  • …and so much more! Reach out to learn more!
Solstice Behavioral Health & Consulting - Coloured Logo

Solstice Behavioral Health and Consulting passionately delivers School Consultation services tailored to elevate autism programs in schools through our:

Autism Program Audit

Solstice Behavioral Health’s Autism Program Audit is a targeted service aimed at evaluating and improving autism education programs. It includes detailed observations, analysis using Autism Program Quality Indicators (APQI), and stakeholder interviews to identify program strengths and areas for improvement. The goal is to provide actionable recommendations to enhance educational outcomes for students with autism, ensuring programs are effective and students can thrive.

Observing and Understanding

Our team dives deep into every autism program in your district, observing with care to piece together a full picture of how each program uplifts its students with autism.

Evaluating with APQI

We bring the Autism Program Quality Indicators (APQI) into play, a comprehensive tool assessing fourteen crucial aspects of your program, from curriculum to family involvement. It's our way of highlighting what's working and what can be better, all to boost the learning journey for students with autism.

Listening Through Interviews

We chat with everyone involved – from teachers to administrators. These conversations are gold, offering us a peek into the daily life and successes of your programs, and where we might lend a hand.

Sharing Insights

After our thorough evaluation, we craft a detailed report filled with insights and actions – consider it your guide to making great autism programs even better.

At Solstice Behavioral Health and Consulting, we’re more than consultants; we’re partners in your mission to offer outstanding education to students with autism. Together, let’s create spaces where every student has the chance to shine.

Our services are focused on students who have various disorders, including autism, Down Syndrome, anxiety, depression, ADHD, ODD, OCD, to name a few. They can also be applied more broadly to assist with the effective management of behavioral or developmental issues in a variety of students.

Observing and Understanding:

Our team dives deep into every autism program in your district, observing with care to piece together a full picture of how each program uplifts its students with autism.

Evaluating with APQI:

We bring the Autism Program Quality Indicators (APQI) into play, a comprehensive tool assessing fourteen crucial aspects of your program, from curriculum to family involvement. It’s our way of highlighting what’s working and what can be better, all to boost the learning journey for students with autism.

Listening Through Interviews:

We chat with everyone involved – from teachers to administrators. These conversations are gold, offering us a peek into the daily life and successes of your programs, and where we might lend a hand.

Sharing Insights:

After our thorough evaluation, we craft a detailed report filled with insights and actions – consider it your guide to making great autism programs even better.

At Solstice Behavioral Health and Consulting, we’re more than consultants; we’re partners in your mission to offer outstanding education to students with autism. Together, let’s create spaces where every student has the chance to shine.

Our consultations with special education administrators focus on crafting programs that nurture educators' skills and meet the unique needs of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of services does Solstice Behavioral Health and Consulting offer for schools?

We provide comprehensive school consultation services, including program-specific observations, Autism Program Quality Indicator (APQI) evaluations, stakeholder interviews, and detailed reporting to enhance autism educational programs.

How can a school or district initiate a consultation with Solstice Behavioral Health and Consulting?

Schools or districts interested in our consultation services can contact us directly through our website or by phone to discuss their needs and begin the consultation process.

What cities or districts does Solstive Behavioral Health and Consulting serve?

We provide our services across Fairfield County, New Haven County, and every city within Connecticut. Additionally, we extend our support to clients throughout the rest of the United States. If you're located outside of Connecticut, please reach out.

How does Solstice Behavioral Health evaluate autism programs in schools?

Our evaluations involve detailed observations of autism programs, administration of the APQI to assess fourteen key educational areas, and interviews with a broad range of stakeholders including educators and administrators.

What is the Autism Program Quality Indicator (APQI), and its purpose?

The APQI is a tool used to evaluate and identify the strengths and improvement areas in autism educational programs, guiding the enhancement of educational processes for students with autism.

Who participates in the Autism Program Audits?

Evaluations include special education teachers, paraprofessionals, service providers, and school administrators, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of each program's impact.

What outcomes can schools expect from Solstice Behavioral Health's consultation services?

Schools can expect a detailed report with actionable recommendations to improve autism programs, including best practices, growth areas, and effective educational strategies.

Can Solstice Behavioral Health’s services be tailored to individual school needs?

Yes, our services are customizable to address the unique needs and challenges of each school or district we work with.

Contact Our Offices To Learn How We Can Help

Creating supportive educational environments is key to student success. At Solstice Behavioral Health, we are committed to working with the Fairfield County educational community to ensure these environments are accessible. To learn more about how we can support your school or to arrange for a consultation, please reach out to us. Let’s work together to create settings where every student has the opportunity to realize their potential.