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7 ABA Strategies To Apply Right Now

7 ABA Strategies To Apply Right Now
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If you’re curious about 7 ABA strategies that can help your child reach their full potential, read on.

What Are 7 ABA Strategies I Can Apply Right Now?

  • Positive And Negative Reinforcement

  • Natural Environment Teaching

  • Behavior Chain

  • Video Modeling

  • Prompting And Fading

  • Generalization

  • Behavior Contracts

What Is Positive And Negative Reinforcement?

Many parents and teachers are knowledgeable about the use of positive and negative reinforcement with children. By rewarding them for good behavior and disciplining them for bad behavior, children are taught which actions are deemed acceptable and which are not.

For children with autism, having a parent or trained professional to provide positive reinforcement when they do something correctly can help to encourage the desired behavior in the future. Through this process, children will learn how to differentiate between when somebody gets rewarded for certain behaviors or when the desired behavior is expected.

Using external rewards such as stickers or extra tv time can be a form of positive reinforcement, as can verbal affirmations and compliments. On the other hand, negative reinforcement may involve taking away a toy for the day or issuing a stern verbal warning that the behavior will not be tolerated. When it comes to negative reinforcement, it is important to explain why the child is being punished, and to be consistent about which behaviors are not tolerated so there is no confusion.

What Is Natural Environment Teaching?

Natural environment teaching is a form of ABA therapy that encourages children to learn in real-world scenarios. Rather than attempting to teach them at home the proper etiquette for a supermarket, you can take them to the store and instruct them there. This technique can be difficult to implement, yet it has proven to be highly successful.

What Is A Behavior Chain?

The behavior chain technique can be an invaluable tool for children with autism who are learning a new task, which can be overwhelming. This technique involves breaking an activity down into smaller, more manageable tasks, with the help of prompts. Therapists will use this strategy, either starting with step one or working backwards from the end of the task, to make it easier for the child.

What Is Video Modeling?

If your child is a visual learner, video modeling may be an ideal ABA technique to teach them skills. This practice involves playing videos to children with autism, demonstrating the right behaviors to use in social situations with peers, or showing them how to express their emotions appropriately when they’re feeling angry, scared, or sad.

This form of learning is based on the principle of imitation, as children naturally imitate what they see in real life and on television. By watching educational videos, the child can see the appropriate way to act when in a similar situation, and then mimic the behavior.

What Is Prompting And Fading?

Prompting and fading is an ABA therapy technique that helps to teach children new skills and complete activities. This technique involves the use of physical and/or verbal prompts, such as guiding a child’s hands while they complete a task, or using a hand gesture to demonstrate how to do something. It is important to note that these prompts should be gentle and helpful, rather than insistent.

Verbal prompts are an effective way to encourage children to do certain tasks or behave in a certain way. For example, you could use a verbal cue to remind your child to greet new people they meet or to wash their hands before they eat. Whenever possible, verbal prompts should be helpful and non-judgmental.

Additionally, it’s important to use the technique of fading the prompts. This means gradually providing less obvious prompts and allowing the child to remember how to do a task or act in a certain situation. This will help them become more independent and allow them to develop without the need for prompts.

What Is Generalization?

Generalization is a teaching technique used to help children learn by taking their existing knowledge and skills and applying them to new scenarios. For example, a teacher may take a child’s existing knowledge of the alphabet song and use it to teach them how to spell their name. This method of teaching involves taking a particular concept and using it in a different way or environment. By teaching a child how to generalize, they can become more versatile and apply their knowledge to various situations.

What Is A Behavior Contract?

Behavior contracts are a popular tool used by Applied Behavior Analysts to promote appropriate behaviors in children. These contracts are typically brief, three-part plans that are mutually agreed upon between the child and the ABA therapist.

Firstly, the contract will list the positive behavior that is desired by the therapist. Secondly, it will outline the rewards that the ABA therapist will provide if the behavior is achieved. Finally, it will set out longer-term rewards for when the desired behavior is consistently demonstrated. Once both parties have agreed to the terms, the contract is signed at the bottom. Writing down the expectations and rewards can be a great way to motivate children to change their behavior.

Solstice Behavioral Health & Consulting is a team of Master and Doctoral-level experts who specialize in treating children with autism and their families. With over 20 years of experience in the field of autism, we engage our families within a caring and compassionate environment that allows for the development of a therapeutic relationship. Call us at 203-900-4720 to get started with an individualized treatment plan for your child and benefit from evidence-based teaching methods and a state-of-the-art facility.

We Believe That Early Diagnosis & Intervention Is Key.