High-Quality, Compassionate, & Individualized Care

The Benefits of Center-Based Therapy

Benefits of Center-Based ABA Therapy
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Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is the most effective early intervention treatment for children with autism. ABA therapy sessions can be done at a center, at home, or a combination of both. At Solstice Behavioral Health and Consulting, we offer center-based therapy, home-based sessions, and even virtual ABA therapy and support services.

We know that no two children are exactly alike. Because of this, center-based services offer more variables than home-based services and can facilitate new skills and interactions. Well-designed, science-based learning programs make it possible to share rooms with others, study in groups, participate in activities, and other such activities.

That isn’t just our opinion! According to a recent study published by the National Institute of Health (NIH), children with autism learn and master skills more quickly when participating in a center-based model than they do in the home-based model.

“Supervisors may be more available and provide additional direct supervision in center-based settings than in home settings. […] In order to better account for individual differences, we also compared learning within the same participant for those who received both HBS and CBS. The results of this analysis showed that on average, individuals achieved 100 % more learning per hour during CBS relative to HBS. These complimentary analyses suggest that the observed improvements may be due to factors related to service location rather than individual differences (e.g., level of functioning, skills at intake, parental situations, intervention goals, etc.). ” – Read full article

What are center-based programs?

Center-based services are services provided on-site at the Solstice Behavioral Health and Counseling and Treatment Center, rather than at home, school, or in the community. As an organization, we chose a hub-based model because of its many benefits.

Solstice Behavioral Health & Consulting’s center-based model is designed to promote growth in your child’s skills across many facets of development including social interaction, skill acquisition, play skills, communication, and adaptive skills. Our state-of-the-art facilities offer a fun, welcoming environment where learning and social interaction naturally occur.

We strive to empower children to reach their full potential through our center-based model, providing an engaging and supportive atmosphere for them to explore, grow, and build meaningful relationships with their peers.

Benefits of the Center-Based Therapy Model

Solstice Behavioral Health & Consulting’s center-based model is designed to encourage your child’s skill growth in many developmental areas, including social interaction, skill acquisition, play skills, communication, and adaptive skills. Our state-of-the-art facilities provide a fun, welcoming environment where learning and social interaction happen naturally. Benefits include:

  • Exposure to peers creates more opportunities for social interaction and mimicking appropriate peer behavior. Additionally, the center-based environment allows for the presence of trained and qualified professionals who can provide guidance, support and feedback to encourage positive change.

  • Multiple Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) enhance on-site supervision and consulting capabilities. This makes it easier for clinicians to observe together, discuss planning, discuss opinions and evaluate options.

  • Ideal environment to promote skills in an environment less familiar than at home

  • Having the opportunity to practice following classroom routines may increase the likelihood that a child will transition more easily into a traditional school setting.

  • Minimize the difficulty of personnel transfer. Changing plans at home can mean that the child hasn’t met their new therapist yet. Within the center, this team member will most likely have interacted with your child during group or 1-on-1 activities.

  • Quick access to instant monitoring and supervision. BCBA enables real-time monitoring, assessment and modification of treatment as needed during treatment.

  • Ability to integrate home-based services where clinically relevant to support generalization and skill development.

  • These centers have complete control over the environment, with all professionals including the BCBA working together to support the child’s needs, and a variety of personnel to ensure generalization.

  • Help children focus on making the transition between 1:1 and group learning environments. This can be beneficial for children as it provides them with the support they need to succeed in both environments. With all professionals working together, they can provide more consistent and integrated care, enabling children to make the transition more easily. Additionally, the support of different individuals can help children learn to generalize their skills to different contexts and settings.

  • Offer access to a variety of reinforcers as compared to the home setting.

  • The NIH report noted that the center-based model also helps children acclimate more easily to various people and novel situations.

  • Lastly, the presence of other individuals with ASD and unfamiliar practitioners may allow for more opportunities for socialization as well as the generalization of skills. There are some aspects of treatment that may differ as a function of location and may ultimately influence a child’s progress.

What does center-based therapy provide that home-based therapy cannot?

The center-based model offers your child a more consistent therapy experience. For children with autism, routine and consistent expectations/environments are crucial to success. Although some families strongly prefer home-based therapy, the NIH study found that it may not be the most suitable option for children or their families.

Center-based sessions may provide more structure and a more intentional environment for parents and caregivers to be trained within. Center-based services may allow for more control over the environment and therefore result in a decrease in potential distractions, which may facilitate increased rates of learning.

No parent’s goal is to keep their child inside the family home forever. When it’s time to transition to school or even a work environment, children need to know what to expect and what others expect from them. This is part of their behavior and social interactions. Therefore, it is imperative to have an understanding of appropriate boundaries and social cues, so that when it is time to venture outside, children are well-equipped to handle the transition.

Taking a tour of an ABA center is an excellent way to gain a better understanding of how this type of therapy works. It can benefit you or a loved one. If you’d like to learn more about center-based ABA therapy, you can take a tour of our facility and meet the dedicated team helping children learn life skills every day. Call (203) 900-4720 to schedule your visit today!

We Believe That Early Diagnosis & Intervention Is Key.